Ubuntu Repository Nepal NTC: Update Your Sources.List Now


Recently Nepal Telecom has started hosting Ubuntu Repositories.Now with 192kbps Adsl users also they can easily download or update necessary packages .By default your Ubuntu repository will be U.S. server. Now to get maximum benefit from NTC , You need to change default download server to NTC server. The name given for Nepal server is http://np.archive.ubuntu.com/. Here I have made step by Step process for changing default to Nepal server i.e. NTC. Go to dash home and open update manager.You Will see Update manager as below Pic.ubuntu-12.04-update-manager Now You Click On Settings as you see in Pic. Thus New Dialog Box will appear like below. Ubuntu-Update-Manager-Setting For Nepal Go Through Ubuntu Software Option and You will prompt to select “Choose a Download Server“. Scroll the mouse until, You get Nepal.Then select “_np.archive.ubuntu.co_m“. and Press Choose server. Now You can Close current dialog box. Ubuntu-Nepal-Server-(Repositories) Finally fire your terminal and type “apt-get update“. From Now on, All Packages will be downloaded from Ubuntu Hosted Nepal Server from Nepal Telecom.Speed is pretty Well and is very good News for Ubuntu user from Nepal. In Another way you can simply download my sources.list from here and replace downloaded file in your machine.Dont forget this command (apt-get update) after replacing file. Thanks NT.